Le Centre des Examens d'anglais de l'UCLy, SIDE et Oxford University Press vous invitent à un événement spécial dédié aux professeurs d'anglais
- 9:00 Accueil, café
- 9:30 - 10:30 Bringing out the best in children with beehive
- 10:30 - 11h15 Pause café, exposition des livres
- 11:15 - 12:15 Beyond islands : Teaching mixed-ability classes

Erika Osvath is a freelance teacher, teacher trainer, materials writer and co-author of the European Language Award-winning 6-week eLearning programme for language exam preparation. She worked for International House schools in Eastern and Central Europe as a YL co-ordinator, trainer, and Director of Studies. She regularly travels to teach demonstration lessons with local children, and do workshops for teachers. Erika is co–author with Edmund Dudley of Teaching Mixed Ability.
Bringing out the best of children with beehive
What are the key conditions necessary for children to grow into their best possible selves and learn in practice? How should we correct errors? What should we do if some children don't want to speak in English? What can I do to motivate them to speak or participate in activities with joy? In this workshop we’ll try out some practical, engaging activities addressing these issues using stories and drama, songs and chants, culture and more. Come and have fun!
Beyond islands: Teaching mixed-ability classes with life vision
Inclusivity is a prominent theme in today’s teaching. However, in large classes with varying levels, it can be a challenge to make sure everyone’s taken into account. In this workshop, we will look at practical tips and strategies of how we can engage all learners regardless of their language abilities, and help them realise their potential. We will look at ways of giving students choice, and creating and setting up open tasks so that all students can participate. We will also explore some ways of building on course book material to incorporate creativity and imagination in the classroom. In addition, we will also look at practical and quick ways of doing feedback on tasks that ensure inclusive participation and give the teacher information about what to do next
in the lesson.